Beam Me UP..!
We had hoped the roof would be finished by now but due to the flooding the Languedoc suffered last October most of the builders in the area were helping people fix up their damaged properties so we were happy to wait for our roof.
A week into January the builders began lifting beams into place and it seemed as though the whole village were holding their breath as they watched the progress. it was pretty scary seeing those huge beams being swung into place. It took 2 weeks to get them all up there.
Over the last week we have seen great progress as the upstairs wall has started to rise from the concrete floor in the Bridge bedroom. This room will have a bridge to reach the top of the old concrete cuve (which will be Wendy’s office by the way) on top of which will be our roof terrace. Here is a before & after photo of the new wall.
All the beams are now in place and the Bridge bedroom wall almost complete so we expect the tiling to begin next week..!
Very soon we will be watertight.