In the Rafters
Its been a busy couple of months and thanks to the glorious weather the builders were able to crack on and finished the roof a couple of weeks go. You can just see the new pan tiles on the above photograph taken looking down the river Clamoux from the far bridge.
Next step was to put up the rails for the bedrooms upstairs and build the mezzanine:
This week half of the downstairs concrete floor has been laid so that Danny can start to make the stairs. The whole floor can’t be put down yet as machinery needs to move through the house to reach the River Terrace in order to build the swimming pool.
Our current house is sold and we are moving out at the end of this month into rented accommodation but with a bit of luck one bedroom in the Old Winery will be ready by the end of July and if so we will move in..! We won’t have a kitchen but at least we will can cook on our fabulous new BBQ that Fisher built.