Barn News
The sun has shone almost every day since the beginning of June and temperatures have been high and difficult to work in but the pace has been steady and we are starting to see big differences in our project.
Fisher has been hard at work building the steps up to the roof terrace. Its been no mean feat as he has never built anything like it before and we are both thrilled with how they have come together. He has built the sides out of stone and the treads are made of the wood from huge wine barrels (foudre) that used to line the walls of this old winery. He was ably assisted by one of our neighbours Simon to whom we are hugely grateful.
One of the exciting moments was when some of the windows were fitted. We have chosen metal frames which we feel are in keeping with this big muscular building that we do not want to beautify too much.
This lovely old building is slowly taking shape and we can’t wait to sit on our roof terrace sipping chilled rosé whilst raising our glasses to our beautiful village.